金曲獎二度入圍!Ruby Pan 融合爵士專輯在 Simple Sound 大熱推薦!

金曲獎二度入圍!Ruby Pan 融合爵士專輯在 Simple Sound 大熱推薦!


相信各位也有注意到,在 Simple Sound 的圖片中,常常播放著同一張音樂專輯。這正是由著名薩克斯風音樂家 Ruby Pan 潘子爵 所演奏的專輯。
「誠實面對自己,逃離世俗眼光中的“沒問題”。」這張名為《沒問題少女》的融合爵士薩克斯風演奏專輯,如同一趟心靈的旅程。與上一張相比,每個音符都更加細膩動人。聆聽後,我深深體會到在都市生活中的 Knot A Problem 心境,透過充滿能量的音符,帶來面對、治癒心靈的聽覺體驗。
1. Unlimited Love 無底限的愛
《沒問題少女 Knot A Problem》
2. Searching 尋覓
《沒問題少女 Knot A Problem》
3. Be Brave 勇敢
4. Childhood 童年


Hi there! Long time no see everyone!

I believe you might have noticed that the same music album is often played in the Simple Sound images. This album is performed by the famous saxophonist Ruby Pan.

This year, she was once again nominated for the Golden Melody Awards. Although she didn't win, it is her second recognition by the Golden Melody Awards. 🎷

"Be honest with yourself, escaping the 'No Problem' seen through the eyes of society." This fusion jazz saxophone album, titled "Knot A Problem," feels like a journey of the soul. Compared to the previous album, each note is more delicate and moving. Listening to it, I deeply resonate with the Knot A Problem mindset in urban life, where the energetic notes bring a healing auditory experience.

Join me in this auditory journey!

Personal favorites ranking:
1. Unlimited Love
"Knot A Problem"
2. Searching
"Knot A Problem"
3. Be Brave
"Ruby Pan Fusion Jazz Creation Album"
4. Childhood
"Ruby Pan Fusion Jazz Creation Album"

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