SS Studio, mellow jazz, recommended playlist, 柔和爵士, 歌單推薦

夏至 與 週五的期待時刻 - 推薦播放歌曲 recommended Jazz song

Mellow Jazz (sultry-music-for-organic-cafes-alto-sax-bossa-nova)


結束一天的工作後,放上一段柔和的爵士樂 (mellow jazz),Bossa Nova 的節奏與鐵琴、薩克斯風的旋律,讓你在這夏日午後找到一片寧靜。🎶

另外,特別推薦 :
“Little Sunflower” by Freddie Hubbard,這首曲子以其柔和而富有感染力的旋律,創造了一種放鬆和舒緩的氛圍。曲調輕快而充滿希望,像是一朵小向日葵在陽光下輕輕搖曳,讓你在這個夏至的午後享受片刻的平靜與愉悅。


#夏至 #柔和爵士 #mellowjazz #週五 #放鬆時刻 #LittleSunflower


Today is Friday and also the summer solstice(夏至), the longest day of the year. While we are still busy with work, we can look forward to a relaxing time after work. 🌞 

After a long day, unwind with some mellow jazz, featuring the rhythms of Bossa Nova and the melodies of vibraphone and saxophone. 🎶

Special recommendation: “Little Sunflower” by Freddie Hubbard. This piece, with its gentle and captivating melody, creates a relaxing and soothing atmosphere. The light and hopeful tune feels like a sunflower gently swaying in the sunlight, offering a moment of peace and joy this summer solstice afternoon.

Prepare a refreshing drink and let the music take you into a world of comfort and tranquility. 🎷✨

#SummerSolstice #MellowJazz #Friday #RelaxationTime #LittleSunflower

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